Glenn M. Gottlieb

Glenn Gottlieb - Mediator & Attorney

Photo: Kim Gottlieb-Walker


family and small business mediation

Services Provided
About Glenn's Style
Terms for Family and Small Business Mediation
Mediation Office Location

services provided

Mr. Gottlieb offers the following services in the family and small business mediation field:

    Family and Small/Closely-Held) Business Consulting Services:

    1. Companies with internal management, governance and/or control issues
    2. Companies with inter-generational or sibling succession, management, governance and/or control issues

About Glenn's Style

My strengths as a mediator are that I establish a natural rapport with people and am adept at listening, defusing emotional blocks and building cooperation. My focus is "getting the deal done" by fostering a positive, flexible, collaborative environment. My strengths include calm patience and gentle tenacity; the ability to discern underlying motives, feelings and agendas; integrity, establishing credibility as a neutral; creative problem-solving, people skills and sense of humor; and tailoring my approach as appropriate under the circumstances.

Terms for Family and Small Business Mediation

No fee is charged for the initial consultation/evaluation. Family and Small Business mediation sessions generally run from two to three hours. The parties should expect to participate in multiple sessions, which are generally directed to specific topics selected in advance between the mediator and the parties.
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